Mangrove Jack's Dry Yeast

In episode #27 of the New Zealand Brewer Podcast we are joined by Sam Loader, the resident brewer from Mangrove Jack’s.

Mangrove Jack’s is New Zealand’s own yeast company. And while their yeasts are gaining in popularity around the world, there is still not that much information out there about each of these strains.

In this episode we aim to change that, and to help get  homebrewer’s better acquainted with each of Mangrove Jack’s yeast strains, and learn how each strain differs from other similar strains on the market. Sam also offers tips on how to get the best character from each strain, and sheds a bit of light onto the process of developing and manufacturing commercial brewer’s yeast.

In this episode Sam also shares the recipe for his own “Extra Best Bitter”; a bit of an ESB and XPA hybrid beer.

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